Advertisement Policy

Advertisement Policy

  1. Introduction:

Thank you for considering advertising on  (the “Site”). This Advertisement Policy outlines the guidelines and standards for advertisements displayed on our platform. By engaging in advertising with us, advertisers agree to comply with this policy.

  1. Advertiser Eligibility:

2.1 Legal Compliance:

Advertisers must comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations.

2.2 Content Guidelines:

Advertisements must not contain content that is illegal, misleading, offensive, or infringes on the rights of others.

  1. Ad Formats:

3.1 Acceptable Ad Formats:

We accept various ad formats, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and interactive media. Advertisers must adhere to our specifications for each format.

3.2 Prohibited Ad Content:

Advertisements containing explicit or adult content, hate speech, discrimination, violence, or any content deemed inappropriate will not be accepted.

  1. Transparency and Disclosure:

4.1 Clear Identification:

Advertisements must be clearly distinguishable from regular content and properly labelled as “Ad” or “Sponsored.”

4.2 Affiliate Links and Sponsored Content:

If an advertisement contains affiliate links or promotes sponsored content, it must be clearly disclosed to the audience.

  1. Targeting and User Privacy:

5.1 User Privacy:

Advertisers must respect user privacy and adhere to our privacy policy. Personal information should not be collected without explicit consent.

5.2 Targeting Guidelines:

Advertisers must adhere to ethical targeting practices and avoid discrimination or profiling based on sensitive information.

  1. Review and Approval:

6.1 Ad Approval Process:

All advertisements are subject to review and approval by Maabara Global Health. We reserve the right to reject or remove any Ad that violates this policy or is deemed inappropriate.

6.2 Timely Submission:

Advertisers should submit creatives for review well in advance of the intended campaign start date to allow for the approval process.

  1. Payment and Refund Policy:

7.1 Payment Terms:

Advertisers are responsible for paying all applicable fees for advertising services. Payment terms and methods will be outlined in the advertising agreement.

7.2 Refund Policy:

Refund policies will be outlined in the advertising agreement. Refunds may be issued in cases of campaign cancellation or non-compliance with this Advertisement Policy.

  1. Changes to Advertisement Policy:

8.1 We reserve the right to update or modify this Advertisement Policy at any time without prior notice.

  1. Contact Information:

If you have any questions regarding this Advertisement Policy, please contact our advertising team at